About our company

The Russian payment system HELLO was registered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in 2022. HELLO has partnerships with financial institutions in Russia and abroad. The HELLO global payment network includes 14 countries, including payment terminals, financial services offices.

The Russian payment system HELLO was registered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in 2022. HELLO has partnerships with financial institutions in Russia and abroad. The HELLO global payment network includes 14 countries, including payment terminals, financial services offices.

The HELLO system supports most popular methods for sending and receiving money by clients. It can be used to transfer money between individuals and send money to their accounts or accounts of legal entities in banks in Russia, Vietnam, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The service also supports money transfers to NSPK, MasterCard, VISA and UnionPay cards.

In addition to money transfers, users of our system can pay for various services and services in more than 2000 organizations, including banks, trade and insurance companies, insurance and travel agencies, tour operators, Internet providers and communication service providers.

Quick transfers

Low fees

Cash withdrawal without commission

Transfers to foreign persons

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